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SOLD – The Hill, Barnacrow, Kilmeague, Co Kildare

Coonan Property held an Online Auction on Thursday 30th September 2021.  With three enthusiastic bidders the property launched with an opening bid of €175,000 and continued up to €230,000 when the property was withdrawn.  After the auction a sale was successfully negotiated to the highest bidder at an undisclosed sum.  Vendor and purchaser are both delighted.  Another successful outcome for Coonan Property at auction.

Jill Wright of Coonan Property commented “Again it is clear that derelict properties with land are receiving strong interest and we have a very active list of purchasers that require similar type properties.

Sharon Murphy, Myles C Murphy and Co, Newbridge, Co. Kildare, acted for the vendor in this sale.

For further information please contact Coonan Property on 045 832020 or

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